Thank You, Church

I don’t think that I have the best words to describe how I feel about this --but I’ll try, lol. This past weekend, was another dream come true --on many levels. One being that I got to watch hubby display his godliness; as he bravely, intelligently, and unapologetically, led a workshop teaching historical facts (not fiction) regarding the African-American experience in America --a history that is purposefully omitted from history books. It’s inspiring for me to see his love-for-God, people, and history, being powerfully used by our Father-in-heaven. 

Understanding and embracing the truth about our history, not revising it or denying it, will help us all better understand, love-one-another, grow, heal, and glorify God. Skipping all of the aforementioned, can sometimes feel like putting a band-aid on cancer; which is why, in my opinion, the apostle Paul  goes into great detail to remind the churches of the history of Jewish and Gentile hostilities. Jesus did that so they would remember where they came from; and, be able to go where He was taking them. The truth is sometimes ugly, but can always set you free. 

Seeing the need to humbly learn, listen, share, and ask questions our dear and life-time friends, Steve and Lisa Johnson -- and the amazing Portland church invited my hubby in for the weekend workshop. I applaud them, but I’m not suprised. Steven Leslie Johnson and Lisa Johnson have always been devoted to God first, trying to do what He wants them to do and admitting when they miss-the-mark. They have always been determined to search the scriptures, to grow, and to change, as God reveals His truths to them both. They, their Elders, and church, are all dedicated to glorifying God, in these current-times; and, not glossing over what God is exposing --that of which we may need to face, repent of, heal, and grow-in. They become all things to all men... this is who they are.

To the Portland Church, and all of those who attended the workshop, "thank you" --for considering this important enough to sacrifice your time and energy. "Thank you", for no longer being willing to say, “Peace, peace where there is no peace”; and, "thank you", for taking up the call to be peace-makers, in-Christ.

And a Note from the Johnsons:

Also, because of our busy weekend we will not be hosting a Midweek this week! Instead take the opportunity to review the sessions and study them thoroughly. We love you all and will see you next Sunday, Sept 6th!