Serve the Community through Night Strike

Every Thursday night a group of our community members put Christ’s words about serving the poor and needy into action by participating in Portland’s popular Night Strike event. Night Strike is a community gathering that mobilized volunteers/services, meets felt needs, and develops relationships that transform lives. More importantly though, it is a unique opportunity for the people of Portland to spend time under the Burnside Bridge to love people no matter what.

When: Every Thursday Night @ 6:30pm (doors close at 7:15pm)

Where: Liberation Street Church, 214 W Burnside Street, Portland, OR

How much: FREE!

Every Thursday you can find a group of volunteers, our community members and Portland natives alike, meeting the needs of the local homeless through various means including but not limited to:  offering free haircuts, serving hot food, replacing old shoes/clothes/sleeping bags, and much more.

While Night Strike itself is a great event that we should continually encourage, it is a perfect opportunity for you to come down and share your experiences with others around you. Help serve the needs of your community while investing in the lives of others who are in need of love.

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with the words or speech but with actions and in truth

1 John 3:17

If you’re interested in joining disciples fir this weekly event, make sure you register on the Because People Matter Organization’s website (linked below) and reach out to Kelly/Kelsie Joshua or Caleb/Rachel Roher. Space is Limited!