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Being a "Warrior Princess"

Last Thursday, our great friend Shawn Patterson launched her flagship “Next Level: Women’s Empowerment Conference” and it was truly a sight to see. Led by some incredible speakers, entrepreneurs, leaders, and fighters, this conference left anyone who attended with a drive to go out into the world and shine as brightly as they could.

We were particularly excited because one of the main speakers in this conference was our very own Lisa Johnson! Lisa gave an incredible lesson titled “Warrior Princess”, and to say it was inspiring is an understatement.

Lisa began her lesson by telling everyone that their call to be a warrior dates back to the very beginning of the Bible. By leading in with some of her Genesis 1 research, we were educated on what the term “Ezer Kenegdo” means and how we, as women, were built with strength and power in mind. Throughout the bible, these terms are used to refer to God, military reinforcements, and overall supporter in times of trial; it was no mistake that the authors of the bible used these terms to describe women in their relation to men on earth.

As we continued to dive into Genesis, we saw how sin entering the world damaged everything we experience - life, happiness, health… the world we’re currently living in is damaged to its core because of our separation from God. Despite this hardship, Lisa taught us how we were created to be those lights of hope in our world. Our call to fight for goodness, peace, and righteousness is no light matter! We learned that the world needs us to stand firm in our faith and be the hope that is missing from our world.

All in all, it was truly an inspiring lesson and I was so grateful to hear it alongside some incredible women. The impact of our calling was truly felt that day, and I look forward to going out into the world and being that “warrior princess” in my daily life. Let’s make sure we take this inspiring energy with us past March and into the rest of 2021! We have a lot of work to do, but God has an incredible plan and has blessed us to help be those workers in his kingdom.

To learn more about Lisa’s study of Genesis and Women’s Roles, check out her website called www.MadeForMutuality.com. There you will find episodes of previous lessons Lisa has done on these topics, including some downloadable study guides and notes!